Welcome to Year 6
Mrs Holliday & Miss Neill
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gibson, Mrs Hickman, Mrs Jones, Mrs Dicks, Mrs Christopher & Mrs Attaie
Our aim in Year 6 is to continue to develop skills across the curriculum in a fun and exciting way and prepare all children for a smooth transition to secondary school. Each term we focus on a new exciting topic. Wherever possible, subject areas are linked to these topics to provide a cross curricular approach to learning.
Below is a copy of our long term plan which outlines the order of our topics.
Our PE days currently work on a rota which we will inform you of throughout the year. Children will be asked to come to school in their PE kit on their designated days. Please check the current policy for the correct PE kit to be worn on those days.
Homework in year 6 is given out on Fridays and returned on Wednesdays and will consist of a mix of Maths/English, Learning log, reading and spellings (see below). More information can be found in the parent information packs sent out in September (linked at the bottom of this page).
Maths/ English: The children will be given either one piece of English or one piece of Maths homework per week. This will be given out on a Friday and be expected to be completed by the following Wednesday. The children will be given their homework via Seesaw.
Learning Log: This will be set once a half term and the children will be given three weeks to complete it.
Reading: Year 6 children are still expected to read as often as they can and to fill in their reading records regularly. Their reading choices can be a range of different genres including novels, picture books, non fiction, poetry and magazines etc... Don't forget to sign your child's reading record at least once a week.
Spellings: Spelling patterns will be introduced to the children in class and taught through specific spelling lessons and activities over a week. As part of this, the children will be given a list of spellings on SpellingFrame every Friday to learn for a test the following Friday. The children are encouraged to use the spelling frame games to practise their weekly list.
Times tables: A confident grasp of times tables is so important in year 6 and helps the children immensley with so many different areas of maths. Please continue to use Times Table Rockstars to work on this.
Spare homework sheets to be found in the trays in the Year 6 classrooms. Homework club is on every Monday and Friday lunchtime.
Here are a few useful websites to help you and your child during Year 6.