At Newton Primary School we believe that a broad and balanced curriculum should be delivered to all children to stimulate their minds so that each child is given the opportunity to be included in a wide curriculum.
Our setting is organised into 3 age related phases that deliver a curriculum for children from the age of 3 - 11 years.
Nursery and Reception classes form the Foundation Stage which caters for children from 3-5 years old. They follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum:
The new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum has seven areas of learning: The prime areas are: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development, Communication & Language. The specific areas of learning are: Literacy; Mathematics, understanding the world and expressive Arts & Design.
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) follow the National Curriculum:
The National Curriculum is made up of the core subjects; English, Mathematics & Science. It also includes the Foundation subjects; Computing, R.E, Art & Design, Design Technology, Geography, History and Music, Citizenship, Personal, Health & Social Education. Our curriculum is motivating, engaging and taught through a theme with a strong emphasis on creativity.
The documents below provide a guideline as to what the children learn in each year group during the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms as overviews.