Welcome to Year 2
Miss Parrott & Mrs Eve
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Dodd, Mrs Hatton
Here are the Christmas songs to practice at home.
In year 2, outdoor games takes place on a Tuesday and indoor PE takes place on a Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct kit on these days.
We expect your child to read at home every night. Please ensure that you sign their reading record. Books are changed on Monday and Thursday.
Homework will be given out each Friday and due in the following Wednesday. This will consist of a spelling sheet, Seesaw/MyMaths and reading every night. We record homework and weekly messages on Seesaw.
Weekly spelling lists and sentences
These will be given out at the end of the week and tested the following Friday. They will contain words relating to a particular spelling the children have been learning in their phonics group. Children will be expected to learn all spellings. The children are encouraged to make use of spelling frame to practise their weekly lists. The children will bring hometheir spelling book so that you can see how they have done in their test. Please return the folder and spelling book by Friday each week.
Year 2 Curriculum
Please find an overview of Year 2 below. This outlines all the subjects and topics we will cover across the year.
Here are some websites/games that you may find useful that will link in with what we are doing in class.